Tuesday, June 21, 2011

traveling with an infant

Before Amelia was born, we planned a trip to Texas and Florida so we could introduce her to my family. My grandma, on Carl's side, is getting older and doesn't travel much any more.  She just so happens to be staying with my mom this summer, so Brandon and I jumped at the opportunity to visit with her.  We planned the trip for 6 weeks after her due date, and assumed that everything would be just fine.

Amelia came almost a week late (on my dad's birthday!) and I had a few complications after delivery making my recovery take a lot longer than expected.  I've just started to walk long distances - and our trip is this Thursday.  I can't tell you how many times we've gone back and forth, trying to decide on whether or not to take the trip.  There are many pro's and many con's to both, but in the end we decided to go.  Texas and Florida or bust!

I'm very nervous to travel with an infant, but all should go well....especially if there's a lot of this going on:

...and not so much of this :) 

first post!

Blogs have been around for a long time, but I never really knew what they were.  To be completely honest, I'm still not sure I completely understand the concept.  Most of my time on the internet is spent searching for new recipes.  When I stopped working, right before I had Amelia, I had a lot of time to cook and get ready for her arrival.  It was during this time that I discovered the wonderful world of food blogs.  Oh man, there are so many fabulous food blogs.  Since discovering these websites, I've probably logged over 50 hours in the kitchen.  I LOVE to cook.  If there's one thing I love more than cooking, it's my family.

Amelia Jane was born last month, and our lives will never be the same.  Not only because of our new daughter, but because we are moving to Portland next month!  It's been a long time coming, and is now fast approaching.  I always get the question "do you have family down there?"  We don't - our family is spread across the US from Florida to Alaska and lots in between...

For this reason, I've decided to start a blog...for our family and friends to keep in contact.  We've got a lot going on, and I don't see it slowing down anytime soon.  I'll try and keep track of the ups and downs and fun in the sun (or rain!).  Hope you enjoy :) 
