Brandon gets every Wednesday off from school. We decided to take advantage of this and go on a "date." Here we are at Quiznos (fancy, I know):
From Quiznos, we walked to Trader Joes on a nice big sidewalk. See?
On the way home, we decided to take a "short-cut." I should have known, I should have known. We ended up lost in some neighborhood, a mile or two from our house with a stroller, a few bottles of wine, some yogurt and chocolate covered raisins. If worse came to worst, at least we would have had our sugar and booze, right?
At the end of a dead end road in the neighborhood, there were some young kids playing in the street. We asked them how to get to the park (which is kinda close to our house), and they gave us some semi-understandable instructions that involved going under a chain-link gate and through the woods. We thanked them, opened a bottle of wine, took a sip and said "what the heck?"
Just kidding. We drank the whole bottle. Ok, kidding again. We left the wine in the stroller (right where it belongs)...I held Amelia and Brandon took the stroller down some rather steep terrain. Here I am looking a bit skeptical:
At this point, the trail was pretty visible and once we got to the bottom of the hill we were able to see the park. We made it home without a scratch, and I think Amelia enjoyed the change of scenery. We even got some good flower photos out of the deal:
In the end, we had a lot of fun. I'm starting to learn to treat everything like an adventure. It's much more fun that way. How about you - do "short-cuts" normally turn out favorably for you?