Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ten things from Thursday

1. Amelia and I have crossed the country and made it to Florida!  I was incredibly nervous about traveling with her (typical), but she did great (also typical).  We used a ticket that my mom had and were able to fly first class!  Amelia was happy about this:
So, was I.  This was my dinner.  And yes, that's cheesecake at the top left of the tray.
2.  Brandon is very sad that we're not around, but he's got a lot of studying to do.  He pulled an all nighter a few days after we left.  I'm glad we skipped out on that!  He has requested lots of pictures to stay up to date.  Here she is the morning after we flew.  Well rested and happy! 
3.   Grandma got Amelia some boots with the fur. 
 4.  Uncle Braden came to visit.  
5.  Amelia finally got to wear her sunglasses.  On her way to the old person's home to play bridge.  

6.  She had a Ray Charles moment. 
 7.  Amelia is eating lots of solid food, everyday.  Her poop smells now.

8. She's also saying (gurgling) "mamamama" and "dadada".  She has no idea what it means, but I love it.  I'm pretty sure she said "Hi!" too, but no one else is convinced. 

9.  She loves the water. Before we flew to Florida I took her to the pool at our gym and she learned how to splash.  Now that she is sitting up on her own she also loves to take baths.  

10. Grandma got her a bouncer too.  She loves it.