Going through security on the way home from Ohio, I cried. I've been known to cry at some pretty ridiculous things. Insert incredibly cheesy political ad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7oyDsebJrQ
No joke, I cried my eyes out on the way to work one morning during this commercial. It was a sight to be seen.
This time around, I wasn't pregnant and had a little more reason for tearing up. Here's what happened. When going through security, an older woman checked our IDs and asked me to wait an extra second. I obeyed, partly because she asked nicely and partly because I'm super scared of TSA agents and what they're allowed to do. A few seconds later, she stood up from her chair, looked Brandon in the eye and gave the most heartfelt thank you for the sacrifices he's made for our country I've ever heard. She then looked at me and "thank you for the supporting this young man and the sacrifices you've made for your family." I couldn't help but tear up a little.
Here's the funny thing. I haven't even made any sacrifices. Not compared to any other military family I know. But I still cried. I don't have to explain the kinds of sacrifices others have made. I think we all know. Instead, I'd just like to extend the same sincere, heartfelt thank you that the woman in the airport gave to us.
And share a cute picture, of course.