Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I needed some stress relief after a crazy day at the doctors/hospital. We very painfully discovered that I have an ulcer. It's most likely from all of the ibuprofen and wine I had over Christmas break when I threw my back out. I've got medicine and a scaled back diet now, so I'm hoping to heal fast. 

My stress reliever of choice was making felt flowers to go on my yarn wrapped wreaths! 

This one turned out really well. 

This is my favorite :) 

What is your favorite stress relieving technique?

Monday, January 20, 2014


For the past three days I've been extremely sick after eating a meal. The nausea/shooting pains last for about 2 hrs after every meal. I've been pretty stubborn in thinking that it was just a virus, too much dairy, not enough greens, etc. Until I realized that bread was the culprit. The past 2 nights I haven't had gluten, and have felt 200 million gazillion times better. 

I used to think that gluten-free stuff was kind of silly at worst, and not for me at best. Turns out I was wrong. I'm planning to cut gluten out of my diet and see how I do. If its anything like tonight, I'll be doing great! Stay tuned for more (very exciting!) news on my gluten-free hunch. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bed head

Amelia woke up with some pretty awesome bed head today. 

She even let me take a selfie with her! It's a miracle. 

Saturday news

Yesterday we went to the doctors office for Kate's checkup. 

She's in the 97% for height (taller than Amelia) and 64% for weight. 

In other news, Kate has started to walk with her walker and she loves it!

We went to the park today and it was freezing! We didn't have any gloves in the car so Amelia said "it's ok mama, socks can be mittens." 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Roller Skating

It was Amelia's first time roller skating today. 

Brandon was so excited to be there with us. 

I was pretty happy, too. 

Clean house

Proof that my house has been clean for 2.5 days. It feels like a dream. 

Monday, January 13, 2014


Kate and I were just chillin, watching some Jimmy Fallon when I looked down and she was passed out. So sweet. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

OMSI and manners

We went to OMSI today - just Amelia and I. Brandon was feeling sick, so he stayed back with Kate. Amelia and I had a lot of fun. 

We got a snack and I peeled an orange with the thickest peel I have ever seen in my life! 

when we got home Amelia "tootled" and then said "excuse my butt.." Ha! It made my day. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Years Resolutions

We're all about resolutions over here at the Foy house. 

Amelia has made a resolution to eat more hot dogs. 

Kate has made a resolution to sleep less. 

I've made one to be happy, and if I had to guess one for Brandon, it'd be to get better everyday. 

Let's hope that no more than three of these come true. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Baby Kate

Baby Kate is entering the drunk toddler phase. She has just enough strength and balance to be mobile, but not enough to be safe. Yesterday morning she fell on her face four times before her nap! 

She's a pretty good sport, though. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Amelia is sick, sick, sick. She's got a fever, cough, watery eyes and runny nose. The dr said its the flu, and most likely H1N1 because its going around and because Amelia had her flu shot this year. 

This picture was from last night, right before bed. She was sooo tired. We have her Benadryl and Tylenol. I made a peppermint oil rub and put it on her back & belly. She slept for almost 13 hours! She's still sick today, but is doing better than last night.

The de said that it's almost impossible to keep Kate from getting it, which makes me so nervous. A 5 year old boy who lives 2.5hrs from us died from H1N1 last week. We'll keep a close eye on Kate and hope for the best. 

I hope you all stay well! 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Book love

Amelia's love of books is back and I couldn't be happier. I went to get her out of her crib this morning and she said "No tank you. I still reading my books, mama." 

We went to a friends house today and got to use all of their dress up things. Amelia was in heaven. 

Tutus are now a requirement wherever we go, along with her "best" (vest) and gold boots. 

In other news, Kate is still adorable with her mouth full of 6 teeth. I'm pretty confident that her ears aren't healing up, so we'll try and make an appt for tomorrow. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Great pictures

I saw so many things that I wanted to take pictures of today. None of them turned out the way I had hoped. 

We used a gift card that we got for Christmas tonight! Can you tell that there was a toddler helping us eat our cheesecake?

Check out the floor under our kids chairs. Yeah, classy. Waiters love kids! 

I cleaned a lot of it up, and left a good tip.  It'll be a while before we brave that again.