Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sweet girls

Avocado toast is Kate's new fave. 

Amelia and I do kind of look alike. Sometimes. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Baby Kate

Baby Kate is the cutest.  Here are a few of the cutest photos from this past week. 

Here she is giving Brandon kisses through the fence of his last softball game. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Things Amelia says

Amelia found Brandon's electric shaver on the couch this morning. She promptly delivered it to me and said "here mama, you can use this to get the pokey's off your legs!" 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday fun day

It was Brandon's guard weekend this weekend, so I tried to treat it like a normal "work" week. We had activities planned and lots of things to do! 

Today Amelia did a trial class at Oregon Gymnastics Academy, and loved it! 

We signed up for monthly classes and got a surprise shirt. Amelia was pretty excited. 

We made a stop at the library on our way back home. Kate's got it down pat. 

And finally, we took a quick trip to Trader Joe's before nap time. All groceries must go in Amelia's cart. 

We also went swimming after naps, but my dead phone = no pictures. 

Onto day 8 of Brandon's work week :) 

Friday, August 1, 2014

It's the little things

It's the little things that make our day small sinks

And plastic tubs 

Happy birthday!

I had a very nice, normal, low key birthday.  We were all pretty happy all day. What more can you ask for?