Sunday, October 23, 2011

A randomly boring weekend

I had all sorts of plans for this weekend.  Finally, I was going to have lots of lots of help with Amelia! We were going to go to the museum, or maybe the zoo!  I was going to cook delicious meals, because I finally decided to let some meat back into our house!

Come to find out, Brandon had a paper that was due at noon on Sunday.  But, it looked fairly easy and probably wouldn't take long....12 hours later....

So, that's not random.  I'd say that's more along the lines of boring.  Definitely boring.  And tiring (for me w/ Amelia and him w/ the computer).  Here's the random part.  This is what I came home to on Saturday:

If you're wondering what this is and why it's on our front porch, you're not alone. It's a dirty razor scooter.  

Then I went to the bathroom and found this:

A dirty cooler.  In our bathtub.

What in the world happened while I was at the gym?!  Apparently, Brandon got distracted on his bike ride to study and went dumpster diving.  Not that I'm complaining.  He found some good stuff.  Random stuff.

His best find?

A grill!  For those of you who know Brandon, you know that he likes to clean.  Before we could even discuss what activities we could do today, he was out on the porch scrubbing the crap out of the "new" grill. That was over an hour ago.  

My plans for delicious dinners?  Out the window.  Brandon had a bag-o-salad from Albertson's where he was studying.  Here was my dinner date:

Amelia didn't see that box of macaroni and cheese, but not to worry, she made up for it today.  

I heard a laugh from the kitchen.  I'm guessing it was because of this:

Apparently, she chewed a hole through the box.  Great.  

I'm looking forward to our next adventure....outside of the house! And, on a random note, I'm SO getting that peanut butter banana smoothie at the gym tonight.  After this kind of a weekend, who am I to say no? 

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