Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Zoo!

Today I met Marie and her son Finn at the zoo!  The zoo is fun now that the little ones can walk around and recognize the animals.  

Amelia wore her new boots.  Can you tell that I am excited for the cooler weather?  I got the boots because the only shoes that fit her at the moment also dig into her little ankles, so she needed new shoes.  With winter coming up, I thought boots would be perfect! 

Funny story, she can't really walk in them but won't let me take them off.  It's a love, hate kind of a relationship...but mostly love.  

Here's Finn with a sleeping polar bear.  So cute!  Amelia didn't notice the polar bear.  She knew that she was supposed to stand at the glass and look interested, but she didn't quite make the connection which was almost just as cute.

In all of the times I've been to the zoo, I've never seen the petting zoo! Amelia really, really wanted to pet the goat.  The goat just wasn't feelin' it.

After she got the cold shoulder from the goat, she discovered the hand washing station and probably could have stayed there for the rest of the day.  She has a strange affinity for hand sanitizer.  Just picture me saying "after you do it once, your hands are clean" and her responding "mow-uh, mow-uh, mow-uh."  

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