It's spring! I'm pregnant!
Amelia is in swim lessons. A friend of mine has a daughter who is 1 year older than Amelia and she gives us some great hand-me-downs. We got two bikinis that are just too much.
Amelia has also been sick this winter more times than I can count.
This was at 2AM after she threw up in her crib. So pitiful and sad.
But....she's still in good spirits! We've had some nice weather this past week that has really helped keep us happy.
I read this article that I found on pinterest about taking better pictures with my iPhone, and I'm officially hooked. I take pictures with the camera+ app and edit them with the snapseed app. It's amazing. This was at our trip to the park today.
This was a few weeks ago at a bagel shop while we were waiting to pick up Brandon. He's taking a class this semester called "Street Law" and part of the curriculum is teaching one class a week at a local high school. It's been a lot of fun for him, and is a great excuse for Amelia and I to go on a date.
And here's another one from this morning, just because. It's so warm in our house (yay!) that she can run around in her diaper, which makes her happy.
I hope you all are doing well! In other (baby) news, I went to the doctor on Thursday for my 38 week appointment. I'm almost 2cm dilated and 50% effaced, but apparently that's not a good indicator of when I'm going to go into labor. She did say that she thinks I'll go early though. Wouldn't that be nice!? Her guess is 39 weeks.
I've been busily making twice baked potatoes, breakfast burritos and bean burritos for the freezer....and we had my mom change her ticket to come sooner in preparation for our new arrival. Mom will be here on Thursday! I can't believe it's coming so soon! If I don't see you before then, be prepared to see lots and lots of baby photos on our blog the next time you visit.
YAY! Im so excited for your mom to visit, and for you to have your baby girl, and for the nicer weather you've been having! It all sounds awesome :)