I suspect food allergies. I've lost 15 lbs in the past few weeks because my diet has been dramatically scaled back. I ate soup, bread and applesauce (nothing else) for two weeks straight, and noticed a drastic (positive) change. I've been slowly adding new foods into my diet. Through trial and error, I've learned that sugar, eggs and dairy make me extremely sick. I'm hoping to have one more blood test to verify this and test for other allergies next week.
Because of all my health issues, we decided to start Amelia in preschool this week, and she loved it. She goes twice a week for 4 hours, and has a great time. Here I am walking her in on her first day.
It's a French immersion school, meaning they only speak French, and it doesn't bother Amelia at all. She told me today "teacher Joelle says BONJOUR AME-LEE-AH!" They do ballet class, music class, computer time and lots of arts & crafts. It's a really neat school, and is only 5 minutes from our house.
Having one on one time with Kate is great, and it gives me a chance to recharge. I have more energy to devote to creative projects and healthy meals cooked at home. Today we painted push lights to look like planets:
Made a boat, dressed up in our swimsuits and went sailing in the ocean:
And took a class at Gymboree.
It's been a good day so far. Having to wake up early for preschool has been rough, but having a routine is awesome. The girls are adjusting very well.
That is so exciting for Amelia! I bet its nice for you to have only one baby home at a time. Im sorry you're going through so much JP! *muah*