Monday, July 7, 2014

Soccer, errands and heat

Today was the first day of soccer camp for Amelia. It's full day camp, so she came home exhausted (and really dirty!). 

I took Kate to Gymboree while Amelia was playing and she had a great time. It's always good to see what Kate's like when Amelia is not around. I love having one on one time with her. 

We stopped at Whole Foods on the way back, and I lamented over the loss of Kate's baby legs. Clearly, she thought I was ridiculous. 

We picked Amelia up and went straight to an indoor play time. I knew she'd be crazy cranky without a nap, and my plan was to stay out of the confines of our house. All tantrums are 100000 times worse at home. My plan worked! 

Fun and exhausting. It's the perfect combo. 

If I had a quarter for very time Amelia told me that she wanted to "grow into a baby," I'd be rich. I keep trying to tell her that we only grow bigger, but she's not interested. Being a baby sounds so much better. 

She's a smart girl. 

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